About Devon Stokes-Bennett

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Annotating Poetry

Posted by Devon Stokes-Bennett on December 11, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Learning Objectives:

  • Annotate and explicate poetry
  • Make inferences and connections
  • Identify and evaluate impact of figurative language


  1. As a class annotate “Hurt” by Michael Trent Reznor.
  2. Examine examples of student explications of the poem “Hurt.” Click here: Explicating Poetry.
  3. Choose one of the following poems to annotate and explicate on your own.

4. Annotate your poem (see example below).
5. Write a 2 paragraph explication (explanation) on your poem (click on Explicating Poetry” link below).
6. Hand in both your annotated poem and your explication (due next Weds)


Explicating Poetry

Figures of Speech Handout

Hurt Annotation Example