Course Information


English 12 Course Description


In a world flooded with information, it is crucial to be able to decipher meaning from and communicate clearly through language.  By developing speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing and representing skills, students will be prepared to fully participate and succeed in today’s world. 


Course Content

Unit 1          Speaking and Listeningspeaking

You will develop your speaking and listening skills through informal discussions, formal oral presentations and collaborative activities.

Unit 2          Reading and Viewing

You will develop your reading and viewing skills through the study of a variety of readingmulti-modal texts.


  1. Literary Texts (short stories, plays, poetry, novels, etc.)
  2. Information and Persuasive Texts (articles and reports, biographies, reference materials, advertisements, newspapers, opinion-based materials, etc.)
  3. Visual Texts (media, web sites, graphic novels, film and video, photographs, etc.)

Unit 3          Writing and Representing

You will develop your writing and representing skills through the creation of a writingvariety of multi-modal texts.


  1. Personal Texts (connecting, quick writes, journaling, notes, etc.)
  2. Information Texts (persuasive & information essays, literary analysis, etc.)
  3. Imaginative Texts (poems, stories, descriptive essays, etc.)
  4. Representations (brainstorming, posters, prezis, videos, PowerPoints, etc.)