Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
What are learning outcomes?
Learning outcomes are the skills and content students are expected to master by the end of a course.
Summary of English 12 Learning Outcomes
Speaking and Listening Skills
Students will be able to:
a.) use language to collaborate effectively, express themselves and to listen critically;
b.) adapt and apply speaking and listening strategies;
c.) use language to connect to, analyse, and evaluate a variety of texts;
d.) recognize and apply the structures and features of oral language.
Reading and Viewing Skills
Students will be able to:
a.) read and view a variety of literary, informative, persuasive, and visual texts;
b.) select, adapt, and apply strategies before, during, and after reading and viewing;
c.) describe personal connections to text, and evaluate ideas and information presented in texts;
d.) recognize and explain how text structures and features enhance understanding of text.
Writing and Representing Skills
Students will be able to:
a.) create a variety of texts, including meaningful personal texts, purposeful information texts, and effective imaginative texts for a variety of purposes;
b.) select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies;
c.) use writing and representing to articulate personal responses, evaluate ideas and information, and synthesize and extend their thinking;
d.) use elements of style, form, and convention (e.g. literary devices) appropriate to purpose and audience.
*For a complete list please go to the BC Ministry of Education’s website.